Functions and its types (Theory)

 Functions are block of codes which divides large programs into sub-programs, A function is a block of code which can execute itself again and again by calling itself.


                add()                     //function declaration

                void main()


                       add();            //function call


                add()                   //function definition


                int a,b,c;



                c= a+b;

                printf("addition = %d ",c );


There are two types of function 

1. Pre-defined functions: these function are known to compiler, since they are already present in compiler libraries, which just need to be called for execution like: printf, scanf, main() etc.

2. User-defined functions: these function are defined by the user

they are of two types:

1.default function: every function without parameters is default function because default function can not change it's values or statements, once declared they are default for the whole program.




                int a,b,c;



                c= a+b;

                printf("addition = %d ",c );


                void main()




2. (a) function with parameters: these function have parameters and arguments that can be changed any time while calling functions.

   (b) function with multiple parameters: these function have multiple parameters and arguments.


               add(int a,int b)                   


                printf("addition = %d ",a+b );


                void main()




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